Opencv rtsp latency. opencv rtsp stream protocol.
Opencv rtsp latency 4. Try this. When I use the gstreamer pipeline over the command line, it seems to work fine with about a ~500ms latency. There is a lot of data in the queue. Current method: Capturing RTSP-streams in OpenCV via GSTREAMER and Nvidia Encoder (with neglectable latency) It is a known issue with RTSP streams and time-consuming algorithms such as deep learning frameworks. I wanna write a program that streams cv2 frames through a multicast or broadcast rtsp/rtp server. Everything is fluid. 0; TL;DR: How can I disable buffering in the OpenCV FFMPEG backend for RTSP streams to reduce latency in my Qt application? I'm also open to entirely different approaches (e. Now, I've recently implemented RTSP streaming from the camera using a opencv python library. For this, I compiled openCV 4. When, I open the stream with CAP_FFMPEG flag latency is very low (under 1 sec). Raspberry Pi Gstreamer Command: raspivid -t 0 -h 480 -w . Code: vector a; a. g. Hi, This is possible in OpenCV since there is additional memory copy. However I am using an haarcascaded face detection code and I have a lot of latencies and frames loss when i use it in my code. VideoCapture(gst I`m opening my rtsp stream with ffmpeg background at opencv 4. e rtsp or webcam and streams the rtsp camera with a latency of 4-5 seconds whereas usb webcam is in realtime. There is a lot of latency when capture RTSP stream. Copy link Kabuc0 commented http page via the mjpg streamer. If it is not possible can i change source If you are not on Windows I would think setting this with av_dict_set should work, see It is however possible the delay is due to the fact you are not There is a lot of latency when capture RTSP stream. I've also tried to view the rtsp stream directly through VLC with 10ms caching. using QMultiMedia), but haven't found a way to reduce latency with those either. What is the best algorithm to process video images and display the video flawlessly [closed] how do you measure the time delay of two consecutive frames in a live videostream. I'm trying to get GStreamer + OpenCV RTSP video capture working in a Docker container based on a NVIDIA PyTorch image. (cap. 5. RTSP is using UDP protocol. I tried to use VideoCapture and get video from several streams, but my computer can’t read frames from stream faser than stream put them into buffer. I dont need moment stream, i need as low delay as posible. It looks like FFmpeg-OpenCV latency is lower by 6 frames before adding -vf setpts=0 to FFplay command. getBuildInformation() output states YES for Gstreamer. Can't get > 10 FPS (Java) [closed] Video Streaming from IP Camera in Python Using OpenCV cv2. 2. I am looking for some avenues to explore because I can't find solutions despite my research on the Net. If you call I understand that, but i dont understand why it have different delays with same background directly and using opencv( i mean, with directly ffmpeg i have 0. How to drop frames or get synced with real Deactivate your camera on NVR and check if you have a better latency. Good evening everyone. Based on the fact that i need to switch between two cameras and can only attach the two cameras to the same address, the open-function of a videocapture object is very time-consuming task. I'm working on a small project for personal use where I want to load the CCTV streams I have from home into Opencv. My cv2. For pipelines where the only elements that synchronize against the clock are the sinks, the latency is always 0, since no other element is delaying the buffer. Basically, the problem can formulated as follows: how do I stream my own cv::Mat images over either RTSP or MJPEG [AFAIK it is better for realtime streaming] streams in Windows?Nearly everything I can find relies on the OS being In my project, I need to process by capturing the RTSP broadcast with OpenCV. 0 rtsp The best approach is to use threads to read frames continuously and assign them on an attribute of a class. 6 OpenCV: 4. hello, I am new to OpenCV. Commented Nov 25, 2020 hello, I am new to OpenCV. I tried to change my camera but the problem is Hi, i want to ask if it exists a faster start approach to obtain a rtsp-stream than with a videocapture object and its member function open. How to fix this I am using the GStreamer pipeline to connect to an RTSP camera source using OpenCV Video Capture. Hello. 1 C++ to render the RTSP Stream from IP camera. 6. 3 Displaying RTSP stream with OpenCV and gstreamer. Latency in rtsp link. OpenCV RTSP is slow when using Opencv. I was playing with OPENCV_FFMPEG_CAPTURE_OPTIONS environmental variable (I was trying to remove audio stream, change the video codec, playing with rtmp options) - no joy I'm using OpenCV with ffmpeg support to read a RTSP stream coming from an IP camera and then to write the frames to a video. Follow asked Aug 10, 2021 at 8:14. VideoCapture('stream link is here ') live=window=cv2. It is a known issue with RTSP streams and time-consuming algorithms such as deep learning fr There are two possible solutions to this problem. 5 seconds. Here's a brief overview of the situation: Configuration: Two VIGI C440I 1. strategy to resume RTSP stream [closed] Hi, OpenCV needs frame data in CPU buffer so it needs to copy data from hardware DMA buffer to CPU buffer. I’m asking because I’m lost as to what your problem is. But here - it just freeze for like 0. What I mean is when I access camera stream from http and run that project, the difference between a car that appears in a http camera stream image and the applications is about 4 seconds between then, and when my application show that car on a screen, it goes slowly and lost some frames of that image. 2 and opencv 3. OpenCV VideoCapture lag due to the capture Environment Device: Jetson NX JetPack: 4. FFMPEG is used to read videos. 2 Raspivid low latecy streaming and saving. I got derived from Raspberry pi picamera. 5; OpenCV 4. When I want to control output frame rate of gstreamer, gradually increased memory occurred. first frame is read only after the 10th sec. python, receive rtsp stream from IP camera. and I’m not good at gstreamer. The more common approach that would provide you with better configuration is running a GStreamer library pipeline through OpenCV processing pipe and outputting the stream using GStreamer again. I know that the problem is in opencv that can't handle the rtsp feed. I have an IP camera which streams a rtsp The follow code allows me to show the rtsp stream int main(int, char**) { cv::VideoCapture vcap; cv::Mat image; const std::string videoStreamA Indeed, when I display a simple Rtsp video stream via OpenCv, I have no problems. However, the RTSP stream is not updating in real time(it is stuck to where it first opens up when I start the program). 0 OpenCV is too slow for this. Raspberry Pi 3 (1,2 GHz quad-core ARM) with HDMI Display; IP camera: LAN connected, RTSP, H264 codec, 1280x720 resolution, 20 fps, 1 GOP, 2500 kB/s VBR bitrate (parameters can be changed). Note: It took me some time to find the solution, IP Camera Capture RTSP stream big latency OPENCV. Maybe it could work if you have a gstreamer pipeline feeding a v4l2loop node with BGRx, and then use V4L2 API from opencv to read it in BGRx, but I haven’t tried that (I’m away from any jetson now). This command will reduce noticeable the delay and will not introduce audio glitches. It seems that I need to use latency=200 in order to keep stable 25fps. serkan August 29, 2023, 11:27am 1. I enabled VIC to run in Python implementation to stream camera feed from OpenCV videoCapture via RTSP server using GStreamer 1. 5 Lower latency from webcam cv2. 9s OpenCV color format, Tune presets for latency tolerant encoding. But the frames which I read from the mainstream is not synchronous with the substream. But after sometime Python is not responding. I am working on Nvidia Jetson Nano with Python3 and OpenCV 4. Introducing a delay in OpenCV::VideoCapture. Sign in Product GitHub Copilot. 2/opencv 4. Indeed, when I display a simple Rtsp video stream via OpenCv, I have no problems. However, when I try to capture video from a 4k MP IP bullet camera from Hikvision, the Hi, Thanks for the reply, After replace omxh264dec with nvv4l2decoder, it still cannot open the cap. I am now trying to reduce the latency with threading. – mibrahimy. 0 command gives almost real-time feed: gst-launch-1. I’m trying to achieve stable inflow of new frames. F I am trying to view a RTSP stream from a cctv camera using opencv and then I am trying to feed each of it's frame to a ML model to analyze the video. OpenCV Face recognition ip camera latency 6-10 ms. when streaming from an RTSP source CAP_PROP_OPEN_TIMEOUT_MSEC may need to be set. 0 GStreamer: 1. e. When I play the stream with ffplay, the latency is almost nonexistent using the command below: ffplay -f live_flv \\ -fast \\ -fflags nobuffer \\ -flags low_delay \\ -strict experimental \\ -vf "setpts=N/30/TB" \\ -noframedrop \\ -i "rtmp://localhost:1935/live" However, Now, I've recently implemented RTSP streaming from the camera using a opencv python library. You're getting out of sync if individual frames take longer than your stream's frame rate to process. From my experience OpenCV structures aren't a good fit for RTSP. thank you for your help. It would be great if I could achieve this so I can carry on with processing the This latency problem may be due to many reasons but most of the time this problem is due to frames are not in SYNC. I’m reading an RTMP stream from a local RTMP server on Ubuntu 22. first, I typed this command in terminal. If I reduce rtspsrc latency to same Hello everyone, I ran into a problem problem of low frame capture efficiency in OpenCV. and I used gstreamer + opencv in python. opencv, IP Camera Capture RTSP stream big latency OPENCV. Improve this question. But regardless, Because you are streaming live video over rtsp the only option is to drop frames as they cannot be re-requested indefinitely. and using the following code I've got it working on one camera perfectly! I want to use h264 hardware decoder of jetson nano for RTSP multi-stream. Load 7 more related OpenCV Time between frames in RTSP stream. objdetect, videoio. OpenCV delay in camera output on the screen. 3. I try this. 1. I have some concerns regarding a project that I am setting up. I capture and process an IP camera RTSP stream in a OpenCV 3. This time is measured against the pipeline's clock. Can anybody help me improve this? Face Recognition os. VideoCapture object with the gstreamer backend. As BijayRegmi wrote be aware of the default buffering. 2. rtsp, ffmpeg, videoio. 1), and include the FFmpeg command in your post. rtsp. My input frame rate is 1080p25 and I want to grap 450p3 of them for processing, and I used jetpack 4. 9 3 3 bronze badges. I had to end up building OpenCV from source to enable GStreamer integration, which I do in my Dockerfile like so: ('rtspsrc location=<<rtsp URL>> latency=0 ! queue ! rtph264depay ! h264parse ! avdec_h264 ! videoconvert ! appsink', Tried to change waitKey(1) nothing changed cudawarped. so this is causing latency issue. 3: 989: October 19, 2022 RTSP is slow when using If the latency comes from the node from this repository, then you can check by writing plain opencv code and estimate the time to decode the received video. The problem with the first one might be that gstreamer capture in opencv doesn’t support BGRx. Please execute sudo jetson_clocks to run CPU cores at maximum clock. Here's a brief overview of I am trying to so some processing on a IP Camera (Onvif) output image, and it works well, but I see a lag between the real world and the video capture in about 3~4 seconds. Hello, I’m trying to send a video stream with tcp, but I get 2-3 seconds of latency, and i’m looking to reduce it as much as possible. When I open it with the gst-launch-1. C++. However I am using an haarcas This format flag reduces the latency introduced by buffering during initial input streams analysis. 6 build from source with gstreamer support. 2 on Raspberry Pi. When I use a local USB webcam, I don’t observe any freezing or lag in the video, and the license plate recognition works. gstream_elemets = ( 'rtspsrc location=RTSP Latency. Jetson Nano. VLC use per default rtsp/rtp over TCP so force vlc to use rtsp/rtp over UDP just google about the vlc argument. See cv::cudacodec::VideoReaderInitParams. namedWindow('live') while There are quite a lot of questions on the topic, but most of them involve the use of undesired protocols - HTML5, WebRTC, etc. This may dominate the performance. isOpened returns False), and the output is the same. Do you have control over the encoder of "rtsp://admin:[email protected]"? I recommend you to test with localhost RTSP transmission (use FFmpeg to send RTSP stream to 127. However I am using an haarcas Let talk about rtsp. When using ffplay with -fflags nobuffer -flags low_delay almost no latency. I also tried your example with public link, it works well (with some warnings showing on the terminal). opencv rtsp stream protocol. I have an ipcam which using rtsp protocol through ethernet, and the decode format is h. push_back(2000); cap. Write better code with AI Security. Spec:raspberrypi 4b/RAM 8gb/SDcard 32GB A1 python 3. Have tried:CAP_GStreamer latency 2. rtsp, highgui, videoio. 0 Speed up reading video frames from camera with Opencv. Step-1 Install GStreamer-1. The latency element can be used to add a latency-time property to control the latency of the pipeline. RTSP """ Are there any options that can help you get a stream with low latency and normal fps? python; opencv; computer-vision; delay; hikvision; Share. But regardless, the latency over rtsp seems to be at least 300ms more than the latency through the Live View page in the cameras dashboard. 16. videoio. question Further information is requested. The problem is either the stream lags (becomes 20-40secs slower than the realtime video), or the script just crashes due to receiving empty frames. 5 and There is a lot of latency when capture RTSP stream. It's a common question. Please refer to discussion in [Gstreamer] nvvidconv, BGR as INPUT. 1 Dji Tello EDU | Swarm with Video. Probably due to TCP/reordering etc. Btw, I am using script for raspberry pi 4 using w/out monitor and keyboards. 5 Obtaining frames from IP Camera with low latency. ; Configurable Parameters: Stream URL, image size, and camera name can be controlled via ROS 2 node parameters. 04 and 18. format(uri, latency) return cv2. If it is not possible can i change source I decided tobuild opencv with gstreamer. In this way if some thread encounters the packet loss, the other thread buddies compensate for it. I am trying to setup a rtsp-server to re-stream an rtsp-stream of an IP camera after editing with OpenCV. I use jetpack 4. 0 playbin uri=rtsp://IP:PORT/live uridecodebin0::source::latency=0 When I put in the converted uri into OpenCV VideoCapture, it works but is always exactly two seconds behind. 2 and opencv-3. 0 and related plugins. 0 Reading Camera feed from RTSP Camera IP using Opencv's VideoCapture Function. 0 cameras. . When i connect to the stream in local home network everything works perfect, but if i try to connect to the RTSP Stream from outside (make a I ran into a problem problem of low frame capture efficiency in OpenCV. the camera will produce frames at I'm currently working on a computer vision project using OpenCV in C++ and I'm having latency problems with my TP-Link VIGI C440I 1. 1; Gstreamer 1. 5 OpenCV 4. Expected:record rtsp with latency 300~500ms. Hardware & Software. OS Raspbian Stretch; Python 3. 04 using OpenCV (installed via apt). 2 Deepstream: 6. 0 cameras connected to a TL-SG1005P PoE+ switch. ; ROS 2 Logging: Provides informative logging for I have some concerns regarding a project that I am setting up. I want to watch rtsp stream with opencv on jetson. If I wanted to stop it. Reproducible Code: std::string url = RTSP - UDP - TCP streams in OpenCV (with neglectable latency) It is a known issue with RTSP streams and time-consuming algorithms such as deep learning frameworks. 2 Problem: I am using the GStreamer pipeline to connect to an RTSP camera source using OpenCV Video Capture. params: Initializaton parameters. 4 to use gstreamer in the background (Windows). 1 This is my first post on this forum. 9. push_back(CAP_PROP_OPEN_TIMEOUT_MSEC); a. when opening webcam); Play around with codecs, for example change codec to mpeg-4 (seems to work better for my configuration where I have Android device as stream receiver); Add :sout-mux Use the GStreamer's latency element to measure the pipeline's latency. 1 installed afterwards. IP Camera Capture RTSP stream big latency OPENCV. OpenCV Low-Latency RTSP Streaming: Utilizes GStreamer to efficiently receive RTSP streams with minimal latency. 0 gpu_mem=256. 2s per frame, and the stream quickly gets delayed. How to capture multiple camera streams with OpenCV? OpenCV real time streaming video capture is slow. 0. Comments. waitKey() 43. If it is not possible can i change source If you are looking solution in python, for RTSP Streaming with Gstreamer and FFmpeg, then you can use my powerful vidgear library that supports FFmpeg backend with its WriteGear API for writing to network. The performance would better if you can run pure gstreamer pipeline, or use IP Camera Capture RTSP stream big latency OPENCV. At least not for real time critical applications. Also you can use its CamGear API for multi-threaded Gstreamer input thus boosting performance even more, the complete example is as follows: # So i'm currently working on a project that needs to do a facial recognition on rtsp ip cam , i managed to get the rtsp feed with no problems, but when it comes to applying the face recognition the video feed gets too slow and shows a great delay, i even used multithreading to make it better but with no success,here is my code i'm still a beginner in multi threading matters so any help I am the author of FFME. I’m running the code with Jetson Nano. mov from a rtsp. Python. In addition to the container configuration options in your MediaInitializing event, you could handle the MediaOpening event and change the following options: (This only applies to version 4. All the compilation and installing processes were fine without any problem, but when i try to do a simple qt project just openning a rtsp camera with the pipeline and gstreamer support in the videocapture does not work. Delay syntax in opencv (wait) Long delay on cv::gpu::GpuMat::upload after upgrade to GTX970. Find and fix vulnerabilities Actions. See cv::VideoCaptureProperties e. And verify if u have better latency. I always found it barely usable. 6: I am using a R Pi3A+ with the V2 8MP camera, and although my processing speed is adequate the ± 1s delay when recording is not good enough for effective tracking of a moving object. Problem: Interestingly, the web application provides a real-time stream My goal is to read frames from an rtsp server, do some opencv manipulation, and write the manipulated frames to a new rtsp server. I have tried to adapt threaded code from Syed and nathancy for tracking and recording in separate threads The encoder configuration is more dominant when comes to latency. Without that, the question is probably not going to be I have a task to process a streaming video from Hikvision IP cam using OpenCV. 0, and have some freeze . 0. OS Raspbian Stretch Python 3. 0 command, there is a delay of around 250-300ms. Hello everyone, I'm currently working on a computer vision project using OpenCV in C++ and I'm having latency problems with my TP-Link VIGI C440I 1. If it is not possible can i change source code of opencv to set flags? OpenCV RTSP ffmpeg set flags. We have a Jetson NX Xavier devkit on Jetpack 4. The received stream sometimes stop on a gray image and then receive a burst of frames in accelerate. In this article, we have discussed how to create an RTSP server using GStreamer's C++ API, share an image processed source using OpenCV's main loop, and send it at 30 FPS. Don't expect low latency with RTSP on opencv in python. I've written a code below with some examples, but with this code I only can stream using just first one client and all the other clients after running first cannot get image streams (tested on ffplay and vlc, url is rtsp://host_url:5000/stream). VideoCapture. I guess the latency comes from encoding and decoding video stream. If I face problems with latency, I use the cv2. 1. Which cause Empty rtspsrc location=rtsp:// protocols=udp latency=200 buffer-mode=slave ! queue max-size-buffers=0 ! rtph264depay ! queue max-size-buffers=0 ! h264parse ! queue max-size-buffers=0 ! imxvpudec_h264 ! queue max-size-buffers=0 ! glupload ! qmlglsink sync=1. Multiple rtsp ip camera stream on raspberry using python opencv lagging and increasing I'm trying to capture live feed through an h264 camera on RTSP protocol. videoCapture(rtsp_url) is taking 10 sec to read the frame. The application requires low latency and smooth scrolling of video, since users will be using ptz cameras. Vladimir Vladimir. I need to wait at least 30 So i'm currently working on a project that needs to do a facial recognition on rtsp ip cam , i managed to get the rtsp feed with no problems, but when it comes to applying the face recognition the video feed gets too slow and shows a great delay, i even used multithreading to make it better but with no success,here is my code i'm still a beginner in multi threading There is a lot of latency when capture RTSP stream. opencv videocapture lag. ffplay -fflags nobuffer -rtsp_transport tcp rtsp://<host>:<port> 2. I could same thing on x86-64 laptop. What video codec are you using? You should be able to reduce latency to <1s using following options: Add :live-caching=0 to input handling options (e. Advanced -flags low_delay and other options. Capturing the rtsp-stream and editing the frames work, but I cannot get the rtsp-server wor We have a live streaming requirement to stream both rtsp (axis camera) and udp mpeg ts from another e ncoder. I I will actually use rtsp stream from IP camera but for simplicity, I gave the basic USB webcam pipeline as example. I'm looking for any solution which will enable me with low latency to read frames from an rtsp server into an opencv format, manipulate the frames and output the frames into a new rtsp server (which I also need to create). And my camera has about 2s latency in OpenCV. there's a lot of data coming in. udpsink is the simplest form, there is no faster and simpler than it (less practical than rtsp). I’m using it with nvpmodel -m 2 and jetson_clocks --fan. I have to unplug it. when I use this elements, I get correct results, but the problem is that memory usage gradually increased and I get reasoable cpu usage and Actived NVDEC. 6 and gstreamer-1. ; Image Publishing: Publishes the video stream as ROS 2 image messages on a configurable topic. How can i pass this flags to ffmpeg via opencv. Raspberry Pi 3 (1,2 GHz quad-core ARM) with HDMI Display IP camera: LAN connected, RTSP, H264 codec, 1280x720 resolution, 20 fps, 1 GOP, 2500 kB/s VBR bitrate (parameters can be changed). Here’s my code: import cv2 cap=cv2. Is it possible to measure camera latency without having to bring computer to camera and record stopwatch? Like some kind of script that finds out latency? Is it possible to lower latency? Opencv rtsp stream synchronize problem help! How to play a . As seen above I regularly read the substream and if motion occurs I read the mainstream. But when I capture the RTSP video with OpenCV, the delay is around 3-4 seconds. Jetson Nano UDP Stream to OpenCV Latency and Frame Drop. Then i used latency=0 parameter in rtsp uri this solved my problem. 5, with opencv ffmpeg i have 1s). 04. Also when I open the video via opencv the delay is almost non-existent. 264. Installation. Related. The code below shows the latency of of ip camera stream for face recognition project. 1 python aiortc datachannel has a great latency. Hi Everybody. Because of this buffer accumulates more and more frames. On a terminal, the following gst-launch-1. environ[“OPENCV_FFMPEG_CAPTURE_OPTIONS”] = “rtsp_t I’m currently working on a project that uses 2 cameras for object detection: one camera on a raspberry pi to stream video over TCP using Gstreamer and the other is connected to the board itself. The only way I could find to decrease the latency in my case was to use FFMPEG example and to rewrite it in c++. I have a problem. Now I am trying to get my camera feed trough GStreamer. Streaming from RTSP and a webcam behave differently but I can’t think of a reason why you can’t get the same performance from both. Also you can try ffplay from ffmpeg libary and open the rtsp stream with it. The latency is the time it takes for a sample captured at timestamp 0 to reach the sink. User can implement Hi everyone, New member on this forum. I am trying to classify if a door is open or closed on a live camera feed. 5: 8149: February 24, 2021 VideoCapture I am in a predicament at the moment as to why the gstreamer pipeline for VideoCapture doesn't work with latency in it. 14. def open_cam_rtsp(uri, width, height, latency): gst_str = ('rtspsrc location={} latency={} ! ' 'rtph264depay ! h264parse ! avdec_h264 ! ' ' autovideoconvert ! autovideosink '). For pipelines with live sources, a latency is introduced, mostly because of I can attach with pure ffmpeg to that dodgy stream and I can restream - but this is not ideal as introduces extra network traffic and latency. You should be able to check this by increasing the wait time, i. If something RTSP - UDP - TCP streams in OpenCV (with neglectable latency) It is a known issue with RTSP streams and time-consuming algorithms such as deep learning frameworks. So the installation steps are specific to debian based linux distros. Navigation Menu Toggle navigation. Kabuc0 opened this issue Jun 9, 2022 · 13 comments Labels. 1 CUDA: 10. Multiple Camera CCTV/RTSP/Video Streaming with Flask and OpenCV - akmamun/multiple-camera-stream. Minimal Latency for RTMP Livestream Viewing in OpenCV. I've done alot of research and understand that I need to use multithreading to get them to work correctly. Hello, i am using OpenCV 2. Did u get it working? OpenCV Lot of Delay with my RTSP cam with OpenCV on Python. Is there any part to be improved in I want to decode multi-stream rtsp with h264 HW of jetson nano and opencv. 16. Regarding delay: RTSP streams with FFmpeg in my experience always have a delay of maybe 1 second. environ[“OPENCV_FFMPEG_CAPTURE_OPTIONS”] = “rtsp_t hello, I am new to OpenCV. the camera feed is an RTSP stream. once you test your latency with it, you can test it with others to see where is your delay come from. 280 and above) // You can render audio and video as it becomes available but the downside of disabling time // synchronization is that [b]Hi, I have a the application reads rtsp stream address from the xml file where we mention the i. gst-launch-1. OpenCV Python Video playback - How to set the right delay for cv2. This implementation has been developed and tested on Ubuntu 16. I am using opencv - python cv2. Unfortunately the processing takes quite a lot of time, roughly 0. I’ve written a license plate recognition system program. h265 is 50% more efficient in bandwidth than h264, it might not be faster ? you can try. 1 increase opencv webcam speed Latency when using a http or rtsp Stream as input #8160. The problem is that the frame size is 2816x2816 at 20 fps i. When I record the rtsp video, the latency was about 1~2sec. Im hoping that there is a way that gstreamer converts the rtsp feed to something that opencv can handle faster. zilola March Hey I wanted to use Opencv+Gstreamer with msvc (compiled in vs2017) in c++ and with QT ( enabling: with_qt support in the cmake step). 11. On the http side the video runs almost without delay. 6: 95: July 9, 2024 RTSP with VideoCapturing() makes 3 second delay. Can anybody help me improve this? [“OPENCV_FFMPEG_CAPTURE_OPTIONS”] = “rtsp_t I need to stream faster, without latency. Skip to content. open(s, CAP_FFMPEG, a); When i use web camera, i have no problems, and when i use ffmpeg directly( ffplay) i also have no lag. You're getting out I’m processing an RTSP stream from a wireless IP Camera processing (or plan to ) the stream with OpenCV and pushing the processed streamed to an RTSP server with Face Recognition os. SharpCat999 February 19, 2023, 4:39pm 1. VideoCapture latency. smft vha ygy nkvhrq otrie jwaas wxc sgcbb mvqysqp lcni