Podspec local framework.
Oct 3, 2019 · If your base podspec_A is s.
Podspec local framework One Pod, over the course of time, will have many Specs. Zip your . version = '0. Viewed 2k times 2 My Jan 2, 2017 · Currently my Framework (myFramework. This podspec is supposed to be used in my main project as framework, because I declared "use_frameworks!" in my main project podfile. I have referred following links: CocoaPod/Podspec and *. May 18, 2017 · I was having same question when I was trying to create a swift framework that is using obj-c framework, but didn't find an excellent solution. Mar 19, 2012 · Currently it is possible to specify a local dependency in a podspec file. source parameter. Ask Question Asked 10 years, 10 months ago. podspec file is) and this time it succeeded. framework) is available through cocoapods. framework & it was working fine. framework' s. 很熟悉的感觉,有木有。是的,Podfile 的 DSL 和 Gemfile 如出一辙。 那什么情况会用到 Gemfile 呢?比如,公司级项目中可以通过 gemfile 来统一 CocoaPods 的版本,不然大家各自为政会导致提交代码会因为 CocoaPods 版本不同导致对项目的配置产生各种差异,导致最终的 PR 有大量 conflict 或 change,当然还可以 Oct 17, 2016 · #!/usr/bin/env bash # Assume default values # By default install pods from remote LOCAL=0 # By default don't delete Pods folder and Podfile. Once you’ve created your . framework' Apr 20, 2022 · For more information on configuring your . Example: dependency 'MyAwesomeLib', :local, '~/path/to/MyAwesomeLib' A Podspec, or Spec, describes a version of a Pod library. xcframework bundles. dependency 'Apollo/WebSocket' Then I ran pod lib lint MyPodName. Note: If the CocoaPods cache is out of date, you may need to run pod repo update before the pod gen command. preserve_paths = 'yourframework. xcframework' end I've managed to include my headers, by specifying this : Dec 17, 2018 · Local CocoaPods [Dependency manager] [Cocoapods with specyfic branch] Example with Git: Textual. . 2 Nov 19, 2020 · After much reading, I'm more confused than ever I'm trying to convert a client SDK project into a pod (and/or SPM). static_framework = true then some other podspec integrates podspec_A; this podspec also needs to set s. The frameworks will be made available to the Pod and to the consumers of the pod. lock DELETE=0 # By default do pod install with verbose flag and tell it to grab latest specs from the podspec repo (otherwise we can end up with different states on # different people's machines) COMMAND Note that the podspec of the Pod file is expected to be in that the designated folder. name = 'AFNetworking' 2. The Podspec file includes a path to an output framework and script phases that automate building this framework during the build process of an Xcode project. Modified 10 years, 10 months ago. podspec --local-sources=. It includes details about where the source should be fetched from, what files to use, the build settings to apply, and other general metadata such as its name, version, and description. subspec 'XCFrameworkPod' do |xcframework| xcframework. name = 'AFNetworking' version 必须. If you want to import your Kotlin project to an Xcode project: Make changes in your Podfile: Apr 12, 2018 · CocoaPods 1. podspec file and edited dependencies to look like this: s. static_framework = true to your podspec. 0. Here is my podspec: Jul 14, 2014 · I would like to add a third-party framework dependency on my podspec file. Mar 21, 2021 · I created a React Native library that is a wrapper for using the native iOS framework in the React Native Projects. Step 7: Create a Podspec. podspec' Podspec Sep 15, 2015 · :local dependency was removed from podspec a long time ago, you need to publish cocoapod to mention it as a depedency in another podspec. So I've made a dependency in podspec file and now my swift framework can be installed by a podfile and it works fine. xcframework instead of . 4. / --auto-open --platforms=ios. Oct 3, 2019 · If your base podspec_A is s. Feb 2, 2014 · Podspec - Linking local Framework. 0 swift dependency in objc podspec project Dec 24, 2012 · if you google "podspec" the first result is the cocoapods website which pretty much explains all of your questions – wattson12 Commented Dec 22, 2012 at 16:13 Apr 18, 2019 · After that I returned back to my MyPodName. xcframework file, and upload it to the Releases section of your repository: The link to this file is what we’ll use for the podspec’s spec. I know to add a system framework with spec. When I call pod install/update it installs/updates my framework and a dependency Mar 4, 2013 · Unfortunately not. information spec. Create a `. Mar 22, 2024 · PodSpec file is a file that includes details about where the source files of the pod should be fetched from, what files to use and what files to ignore, as well as what setting to apply and other general metadata (name, version, summary, description and more). Earlier I was using . framework. frameworks = 'QuartzCore', 'CoreData' command. podspec` file with your framework’s The paths of the framework bundles that come shipped with the Pod. xcconfig = { 'OTHER_LDFLAGS' => '-framework yourframework' } s. vendored_frameworks = 'yourframework. – abhinavroy23 Commented Dec 9, 2019 at 11:19 Nov 11, 2024 · Creates a podspec task which generates a Podspec file for the project. Note: Set the --platforms option to macos or tvos to develop/test for those platforms. Jan 22, 2024 · I'm writing a Flutter plugin that shows native ios screens that use a local kotlin multi platform so I need to add it as a dependency to my plugin podspec file. Prior to this, it was using a podfile to create and link to a local framework dependency (a podspec in the repo but outside the xcode project). Since 10. framework and . podspec on the root directory (where my . It would be nice to support this feature in the podfile as well. I did place it in the source folder Oct 16, 2023 · This command will create a `. More in the CocoaPods 1. 0 Podspec dependancies in local repos. Add s. Supports both . <From a podspec in the root of a library repo. 0 announcement blog. Currently, I'm facing an issue regarding headers contained in a vendored framework I use into an Objective-C podspec I'm creating. static_framework = true, otherwise it will cause the Pods-YourProject target to have transitive dependencies that include statically linked binaries: (your podspec). 2, Xcode does not properly handle multi-platform CocoaPods Jul 21, 2021 · 但是这样弄了之后,虽然pod进了项目,但是多了framework的文件夹,导入到主工程中会将所有的framework中的头文件都导入进来; 问题解决. I managed to get it to compile by changing the framework and copying the header files. vendored_frameworks = 'path/to/framework_1. I am making it's source code public but facing some issue. 1 CocoaPods podspec generated from GitHub not matching any source_files . dependency 'Apollo' s. The aliases in the framework were not being copied so only the Versions directory was ending up in the . podspec` file that you can edit. 后来经过查资料,framework应该放在与podspec同级别的位置,这样pod install之后才会显示正常,并且导入到主工程正常。 Jan 25, 2018 · I had the same problem for a few time and found a solution by adding this lines to your podspec file at your iOS/ folder in your plugin dir: s. Podfile //Podfile pod supports: //default(try to find . 31 Cocoa podspec and path for dependency. 1 name (必填) pod库的名字,我们搜索和导入的时候都会用到名字。. Sometimes you may want to use the bleeding edge version of a Pod, a specific revision or your own fork. You will have to update your podspec based on your project, but here are the important parts: Mar 18, 2020 · Podspec - Linking local Framework. 0 added the static framework podspec attribute that instructs CocoaPods to build a static framework instead of a dynamic framework and to depend upon static vendored_frameworks. Mar 7, 2022 · 2. podspec file, go ahead and commit it to your repository. 28 Swift framework depending on cocoa pod. Update Podfile for Xcode. spec. This is because the SDK shares an interface with the client apps that uses it. app. podcpec in centralised repo), path //-remote pod 'PodName' //-local //local_path can be absolute or relative pod 'PodName', :path => '<local_path>. Dec 31, 2012 · While it is possible to add your framework to the podspec, I have found it much easier to just pass the static library and headers over via CocoaPods rather than worry about the framework. Nov 15, 2018 · Most instructions talk about setting up your own local specs repo, and pushing your Podspecs into that, then changing the source parameter in your Podfile to point to your local repo. podspec file, see the Podspec Syntax Reference. 1' cocoapods_version pod gen GoogleUtilities. 2 version(必填) pod库的版本号,一般都会和打的标签保持一致。 Nov 3, 2021 · I'm developing beside it an iOS framework, with a Podspec, looking like this : Spec do |spec| spec. A Podspec file describes your framework to CocoaPods. Aug 10, 2018 · Podspec - Linking local Framework. To use the master branch of the repo: Dec 30, 2021 · 在这个组中列出的属性是podspec需要的唯一属性。其他组的属性被用来改进podspec并遵循一个关于配置方法的约定。根规范可以直接通过sub-specifications来描述这些属性。 name 必须 #跟podspec文件名相同 spec. Now I am facing an issue in using this library with . If this is the case, you can specify that with your pod declaration. pvxvwsrdmrpsectxfixdskavcsrcurccwbqebbnbscvrzv