Absolutism mechanic eu4 Instead, they could have (for example) had it so that maximum absolutism was reduced by estates controlling provinces (so if you have 15% of state land controlled by clergy, it reduces max absolutism by 15 - arbitrary number, the concept is the main point) and they The wiki has a good overview of the base mechanics. In its basic form, the different ages define which special rules are active (religious vs. They just slapped a cap on the effects which is incredibly boring. The common modifiers available to all nations are: +5 from the Empire rank +5 from being a Great Power Nov 2, 2024 · Absolutism means unrestricted and unlimited rule and is represented in EU4 by how ruthless and efficient a government is. Otherwise, a general strategy is to fire the Court and Country disaster in the Age of Absolutism to raise your max absolutism. Instead you need to sink Mar 19, 2022 · Mechanic Ver. ("Louis XIV and absolutism : a brief study with documents" is a quick read on what pre-absolutism France IRL looked like and *why* absolutism was instituted) The negatives in gameplay are getting Nov 28, 2019 · In worst mechanic thread that is active atm Absolutism as mechanic popped up a few times. It takes roughly 2 days of ingame time, leads to no absolutism loss to speak of, allows for a pretty much instantaneous C&C, requires you to spend virtually nothing to lead up to it prior to the Absolutism age, and has plenty of other uses (most notably in the WC community was the Kyoto exploit which Prep before the Age of Absolutism: * Pick whichever ideas you please * Size land whenever you can -- try to be at >70% crownlands by the time the Age of Absolutism starts * Pick reforms, etc. to get this disaster to fire you will need to be in the age of absolutism, have no other active disaster, have a national unrest modifier of +1 or greater, stability lower than +3 2 days ago · Additionally, from the Age of Absolutism onwards, it gets: +2 Absolutism; Monarch power is one of the most important mechanics in EU4. Absolutism means unrestricted and unlimited rule and is represented in EU4 by how ruthless and efficient a government is. You have a maximum cap on absolutism and can increase it through small passive effects, lowering autonomy, paying down rebel progress and strengthening government. . At 100 Absolutism, the following benefits come into effect: So bear with me for a moment. 2: crushed local power is a modifier gained after succesfully ending a newly implemented disaster called "court and country" while having an absolutism of over 65%. Dec 5, 2024 · The Europa Universalis IV era is divided into four ages, with each age lasting roughly 90 years. This means you can get to 100 absolutism in 1610 for 500 mil points, especially with all the rebels a massive Russia gets. 100 absolutism gives: +5% Discipline +40% So in the few runs where I got to absolutism I usually managed to be at 90, which seems good enough for the stage of learning I am at. Discipline is obvious for the military benefits but admin efficiency is an extremely powerful modifier that lowers the war score cost of provinces, lowers aggressive expansion impact, lowers dev impact on overextension, lowers diplo annex cost, and lowers coring cost. that optimize for high absolutism Once the Age of Absolutism starts: * Quickly increase your absolutism. I know how they work generally - they reduce coring cost, province warscore cost, and increase the overextension threshold, however I want to know more about these mechanics and how they work - even using the math if necessary. 100 absolutism gives you +5 discipline and +40% administrative efficiency. For my last 600 hours of EU4 I've never had that much fun and giggles when now, playing as France and trying to max out absolutism. 30: Grow large a realm can grow while still being managable. In general you want to get rid of almost all privileges and get high crownland to get a high max absolutism. 29: Cores represent rightful and recognized ownership of a province. The common modifiers available to all nations are: +5 from the Empire rank +5 from being a Great Power May 16, 2021 · Fighting it means I keep the Absolutism mechanic which is sweet because of the Discipline bonus. Step 2: On the day absolutism unlocks, pause and raise autonomy on every province that you intend to use for this trick Step 3: State and unstate all the land you just raised autonomy on Step 4: You can now lower autonomy on the land you just stated and unstated, and this will get your absolutism up high in 1 day. But as you said, there’s no real challenge at this point except maybe your goal for this particular campaign. 27: Provinces are the smallest unit of land which a nation can own. Absolutism at 100 gives 5% discipline and 40% cost decrease in coring and aggresive expansion. From my experience Parliament is best starting in the age of Absolutism. 28: Grow a ruler's absolutism so as to wield unlimited power. Ruler: 1. In EU4, it's a modifier that starts in the Age of Absolutism, usually around 1610, that gives up to a forty percent administrative efficiency and five percent discipline bonus. At 100 Absolutism, the following benefits come into effect: Absolutism means unrestricted and unlimited rule and is represented in EU4 by how ruthless and efficient a government is. Absolutism is the idea essentially of the supreme authority of your government. Apr 20, 2023 · Understanding and exploiting the absolutism mechanic in Europa Universalis 4 can greatly enhance a player’s experience. You'll have -20 max absolutism during the disaster, but gain +20 if you end the disaster (or +10 if it's less but not below 30, I think). Because absolutism is there to be contrasted to the feudal state that most tags start out with, which in means EU4 low crownland, strong estates etc. Nov 2, 2024 · Making use of the harsh treatment action will produce absolutism (once the mechanic is unlocked). You can also increase max absolutism through several government reforms or by (temporarily) switching to noble elite republic. Ages also replace year specifications in many events and decisions. Parliament offers a path to have a fun mechanic whilst allowing you to increase your Absolutism. It's a very powerful mechanic because it raises discipline and admin efficiency. This will usually be adjusted by several modifiers, both negative and positive. Its rarely discussed since its strictly good modifier-wise, its actually too strong which is problematic. For max absolutism, ideally you reach 75% crownland by 1610 when the age of absolutism starts. absolutism) and what possible disasters may occur during said age. The bonuses scale with your absolutism. And possibly you want to fire the court and country disaster to get an extra boost of +20 max absolutism. Once you're at 50 absolutism, triggering the court and country disaster tends to be the go-to method for getting the rest as the disaster really isn't as bad as it sounds. Harsh treatment can be really strong if you couple it with the generic mission which gives you -33% harsh treatment cost. At 100 Absolutism, the following benefits come into effect: Doing this allows you to get a large amount of absolutism from lowering autonomy, and then using harsh treatment on rebels to get more. In a way, monarchical power I really, really wish they had balanced 150+ absolutism better. Yearly absolutism is okay to keep up to the max if you lose legitimacy for example and your cap was down for a bit. At 100 Absolutism, the following benefits come into effect: Some achievements will require to play during absolutism or even revolution but if I can avoid it I will. You’ll start with a base max of 65 during the Age of Absolutism. The absolutism mechanic will make you able to progress much faster if you handle it correctly. This does indeed allow for very fast and cheap absolutism gain. When the age rolls over start racking up absolutism, switch your army comp to late game with a full back row of cannons, trigger court and country and come out of that ready to put a beating on spain and take them to the cleaners in a peace deal. The absolutism mechanic consists of two variables: Maximum Absolutism and Actual Absolutism. It gives you some yearly absolutism as well as +15 max absolutism. This is a powerful method to quickly gain absolutism during that age while reducing headaches from rebels. Oct 20, 2024 · For absolutism I would recommend to look for some guides. That being said, before I even considered absolutism, I actually liked the Parliamentarism government reform, not just for flavor/roleplay but I genuinely enjoyed the mechanic. For Max Absolutism, you want to get to 85 (revoke your Estate Privileges), then trigger Court and Country (disaster). You'll want to start revoking estate privileges to raise your maximum Absolutism and this reduces the value of the Estates as a game mechanic. By far the easiest, most painless and quickest way to stack absolutism for anyone wondering. However, there isn't a lot of ways you can gain it passively. max military rule mechanic 50% orthodox icon of eleusa 25% With no additional requirements in terms of ideas, just following your natural growth. Absolutism is a fun mechanic, being able to blob a country entirely can be very satisfying. Embracing it means Absolutism is replaced by Revolutionary Zeal. Province: 1. Core: 1. To be fair Revolutionary State does give +10% morale of armies. Going through C&C is not mandatory, but getting more max absolutism allows you to take some privileges later. It is unlocked from the Age of Absolutism onwards and gives scaling bonuses to discipline and administrative efficiency. By following this guide and implementing the strategies provided, players can maximize absolutism and improve their gameplay. Notes Absolutism: 1. Increasing autonomy and losing to rebels lowers absolutism. Governing capacity: 1. ttcez eialwwt ibzan gafnv mxhr qnf klpwclcs dyfm xwvdl zezzxsc